Head Students 2021
Head Students 2021 - Te Awamutu College
Te Awamutu College student leadership for 2021 is headed by four head students: Atareipounamu Crown, Mackenzie Harris, Bayley Quin and Matthew Yarndley.
Atareipounamu (Atarei) has a strong focus on sport, but also takes pride in her academic education and wants to pursue a career in the medical profession.
In her final year at Te Awamutu College she is studying physics, chemistry, mathematics with statistics, sport elite and sport and recreational studies.
Atarei's main sport is rugby, and she feels privileged to co-captain and captain the girls' 1st XV for the past two years.
Her goals for 2021 are to fulfil her role as head student to her best ability, achieve NCEA Level 3 endorsed with merit or excellence and to continue to gain higher representative honours in her chosen sport.
Next year she plans on studying medicine at Auckland University.
Mackenzie is studying English, statistics, sport elite, biology, and earth and space science in 2021.
For the past two years she has gained NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 endorsed with merit.
Mackenzie has represented her school in the top teams for hockey and lacrosse since Year 9. This she aims to help captain both the 1st Xl hockey and premier lacrosse teams, and achieve NCEA Level 3.
She is excited to be a leader at Te Awamutu College, and wants to represent her school with pride and conduct her responsibilities to the best of her ability, and looks forward to an enjoyable final year of high school.
In 2022, Mackenzie plans to attend university to study nursing or environmental sciences.
Bayley is proud of his academic success, achieving an excellent endorsement at both NCEA Level 1 and 2, while staying involved in the sports and committees he has a strong passion for.
This year he is studying accounting, English, economics, statistics and history.
His chosen sport is tennis, and he also played football for over five years before coming to Te Awamutu College.
Bayley's goals for the year are to undertake his head student duties to a high standard and ensure he achieves on par with previous years, endorsing Level 3 with excellence.
He also plans to participate in as many social and cultural groups throughout the school, making the most of his last year at college.
Future plans are to study business management and financial-risk management at Waikato University.
Matthew is also a high academic achiever, endorsing both NCEA Level 1 and 2 with excellence. He aims to do the same at Level 3 and is studying calculus, physics, chemistry, geography and graphics and design.
His sporting passion is hockey. Matthew has been a member of the boys' 1st XI since Year 9 and looks forward to another season, as well as playing at club level and umpiring.
This year he plans to give his best to being a head student and participate in all that the school has to offer. He intends to continue serving the Health, Services and Camp committees and join the Ball Committee.
Next year his goal is to study a Bachelor of Health Science with a major in Public Health, going on to do a diploma in Health Management at either the University of Otago or Auckland.