Strike Action Continues 31 May 2023
Strike Action Continues 31 May 2023 - Te Awamutu College
Good morning Parents/ Caregivers
The PPTA National Executive has notified the Board Chair of the resumption of strike action by PPTA members from 12 am Wednesday 31 May 2023:
- not attend ( or remain in) meetings outside of 8.30 am to 4.30 pm
- not teach or supervise specific year levels on specific days
- internal relief ban
So, to confirm what was in a newsletter emailed out on 26 May and put on our website and a link to it put on our Facebook page:
- Senior Report meeting is on Thursday 1 June 2.30 - 4.30 pm ( Hall)
- Thursday 1 June school will finish at 1.30 pm. Periods 1-4 are still happening.
- Students able to go home safely should do so.
- The Library will be open for supervision.
- The Canteen will be open only at interval.
- Buses will run at normal times.
- Year 12 are rostered home on 1 June as we are unable to provide sufficient teachers.
This resumption of industrial action also means the rostering home of:
- Year 10 Tuesday 6 June
- Year 9 Thursday 8 June
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Tony Membery